Twisted Love (MFM)

Vampire 2

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 28,407
1 Ratings (4.0)

[Siren Menage Everlasting: Contemporary Menage a Trois Paranormal Romance, MFM, vampires, HEA]

After witnessing the murder of her best friend years earlier, Carly Morgan knows a vampire when she sees one. Her gut is telling her that the three men living with her sister, Bryn, are vampires.

Vampire brothers, Troy and John Ford, aren’t about to tell Carly that Bryn’s men are vampires. Or that they, too, are vampires. Instead, they’ll do their best to win her over first. Once they have, then they can tell her the truth.

Carly’s tried all the tricks to out Bryn’s men as vampires. Garlic oil in their food? Check. Holy water splashed on their skin? Check. Holding up a mirror to their faces? Check. Yet nothing has worked. She’s dead-set on outing them, yet she never expects the men she’s falling for are blood-suckers, too.

What’s a girl to do? Kill the vampires she loves? Or accept a twisted love?


Jane Jamison is a Siren-exclusive author.
Twisted Love (MFM)
1 Ratings (4.0)

Twisted Love (MFM)

Vampire 2

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 28,407
1 Ratings (4.0)
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Cover Art by Harris Channing